PRINTED Publications

Domus "From Line to Hyperreality" 

Autoportret- "Wzmocniona Rzeczywistość (Enhanced Reality)" 

Nano House - "Innovations for Small Dwellings"



select Online press

GSD Platform 3 "Where's Alice?" 

GSD Platform 4 "Mediating Mediums: The Digital 3d" 

A View on Harvard: Vol 1-3 - "Leonardo at the Museum"

Steelcase "100 Dreams, 100 Minds, 100 Years" 

Yatzer - V.O.W.N. 34  "The Architectural Interface," 

ArchDaily - "Mediating Mediums: The Digital 3d" 

Core 77 Design - "Greg Tran - Mediating Mediums" 

Yanko Design - "Virtual Architecture"

Wired  - Beyond the Beyond "Showtime - Greg Tran" 


The Creators Project - "Forget The Jetsons, This is the Future"

The Verge"Augmented reality with architecture" 

The Fox is Black - "The Unreality of 3d modeling"

The Next Web  - "Where AR and Architecture Collide"

Inventing Interactive- "Mediating Mediums"

Harvard GSD - Thesis Prize Announcement


Exhibitions | conferences | shows

Budapest Architecture Film Festival - 2014 |  Budapest, Hungary

Alphaville Visionary Cities, Screening Tour  - 2013 | London, UK

Platform 4 Exhibition II - 2012 | Harvard GSD, Cambridge, MA

James Templeton Kelley Exhibition - 2011 | Harvard GSD, Cambridge, MA

ISMAR - International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - 2011 | Basel, Switzerland

Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam - 2011 | Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Society of Environmental Graphic Design: XLAB - 2011 | Eyebeam Art & Technology Center, New York, NY

Alphaville Film Festival - 2011 | London, UK

CTIA: Mobile AR Event - 2011 | San Deigo, CA

Platform 4 Exhibition I - 2011 | Harvard GSD, Cambridge, MA

Bottle Service - MoMA PS1 Exhibition - 2011 | New York, NY

Video + Game Exhibition - 2011 | Harvard GSD, Cambridge MA

Platform 3 Exhibition - 2010 | Harvard GSD, Cambridge MA

Visionary Cities Exhibition  - 2010 | University of Manitoba, Canada

Leonardo at the Museum Screening - 2010 | Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK 

100 Cubes Exhibition - 2009 | Gallery Biim, Seoul, South Korea

Pod Exhibition: Summit on Sustainability - 2008 | Convention Center, Columbus, OH 

Denman Research Forum - 2008 | Columbus, OH

ARTA Research Symposium and Exhibition - 2007 | Banvard Gallery, Columbus, OH